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What to Expect at Your First Appointment with an Orthopaedic Surgeon

In light of recent conversations with patients regarding first appointment anxieties, we recognized the importance of addressing these concerns proactively. Today, we aim to provide clarity on what to expect at your first appointment with an orthopaedic surgeon. While the idea of your first appointment may seem daunting, gaining an understanding of the process can alleviate apprehensions. 

From navigating preliminary paperwork to undergoing diagnostic imaging, we aim to offer insights to prepare you for your appointment. 

Here is what you can expect:


Dr Jason Grieshober MD Orthopaedic Surgeon Explaining Shoulder Anatomy to Patient in Clinic

Initial Paperwork

During nearly every initial appointment, you can anticipate being presented with paperwork to complete. To expedite this process, many practices have transitioned to offering digital forms, either in advance or upon arrival. Arriving 15 minutes ahead of your scheduled appointment allows ample time to fill out these forms. The forms typically request information pertaining to your injury or condition, medical history, current medications, and prior surgeries. It is advisable to bring along your photo ID and health insurance card, as well as any relevant imaging results such as X-rays or MRIs.

Diagnostic Imaging

If you have previously undergone imaging relevant to your condition, be sure to bring along these results. This includes any pertinent documents, as well as X-rays, MRIs, or CT scans from other healthcare providers.

Alternatively, if you have not undergone prior imaging, there is no cause for concern. Your orthopaedic specialist may recommend diagnostic imaging, depending on the nature of your medical condition.

Evaluation of Medical History

During your orthopaedic appointment, your doctor will ask about your medical history. This plays a crucial role in guiding your treatment plan. It is imperative to arrive prepared with detailed information regarding your current medications, past surgeries, medical conditions, and etc.

Additionally, your orthopaedic specialist will engage in a comprehensive discussion regarding the purpose of your visit. It is essential to provide details about your symptoms, including their location, intensity, and impact on your daily life. Transparent communication about any discomfort, pain, or symptoms you are experiencing is paramount in aiding your specialists accurate diagnosis.

Honesty and openness in your responses helps your specialist to formulate a diagnosis and devise an effective treatment strategy. By providing comprehensive information, you empower your doctor to navigate your orthopaedic care journey with precision and efficacy.

Physical Examination

Your specialist will most likely perform a detailed orthopaedic physical examination during your appointment. This examination serves to enhance the specialist’s understanding of your orthopaedic concerns. Typically, the physical assessment involves a series of straightforward exercises, including walking, standing, bending, and other basic tasks. Furthermore, your doctor will conduct an evaluation of the affected area, checking for signs of pain, swelling, discoloration, or stiffness.

Discussing a Diagnosis and Treatment Options

Following a review of your medical history and a physical examination, your doctor will discuss potential diagnoses and treatment options. Collaboratively, you and your specialist will devise a customized treatment plan through shared decision-making.

Throughout the treatment and recovery process, your orthopaedic specialist will provide diligent guidance and support, ensuring optimal outcomes. This collaborative approach empowers you to actively participate in your care journey, fostering a sense of confidence and assurance.

Additionally, be sure to address any questions or concerns you may have. This will help you to gain clarity and understanding about the proposed treatment and anticipated outcomes.

Orthopaedic Surgeon and Sports Medicine Specialists at Platinum Orthopaedics in Anaheim, Orange County, California

At Platinum Orthopaedics, we understand that your first orthopaedic appointment can be stressful. Our team of board-certified orthopaedic specialists are committed to providing comfortable and high-quality care tailored to your needs. Our providers are here to address any concerns you may have and assist you every step of the way. To schedule an appointment with one of our experienced healthcare providers, please call our office at 714.241.7000 or use our convenient online request form. We look forward to helping you achieve optimal orthopaedic health. Learn more about our leaders and providers below:

Dr Jason Grieshober MD Orthopaedic Surgeon Sports Medicine Platinum Orthopaedics Anaheim Orange County California

Dr. Jason Grieshober, MD

Board Certified Orthopaedic Surgeon and Sports Medicine Specialist

Dr. Richard Blanks, MD

Board Certified Orthopaedic Surgeon and Sports Medicine Specialist

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