For many years, Dr. Richard Blanks, MD has used Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) as a way to treat sports medicine and orthopedic conditions, especially knee arthritis. PRP Injections and therapy is a form of regenerative medicine. This therapy utilizes your blood cells to obtain growth factors which have the ability to reduce inflammation and promote healing of damaged tissue. It has helped some patients avoid surgery altogether.
PRP injections can be used to treat arthritis, tendon and ligament injuries, and tendinitis (such as rotator cuff tendinitis). There have been many studies showing its effectiveness in knee arthritis, with the majority of patients having reduced pain and improved function. Unfortunately, we don't know which patients will or will not have a beneficial outcome. Most studies use up to three injections, but since the injections are expensive, and insurance does not cover them, most people opt for just one injection as a trial and most still have very good results.
PRP injections are done in the office and are very simple. First, a quick blood draw is performed. Then, the blood is placed into a centrifuge machine that spins the blood and separates the PRP. Finally, the PRP is then injected into the site of treatment.
The risk of side effects of PRP injections are minimal as the injections are created from your own blood. There is always a small chance of infection as with any injection into the body. PRP does not have the same harmful side effects of cortisone. Risk factors like increased blood sugar and weakening of bones and tissue are not risks with PRP injections.
Click the button below to contact our office cat 714.241.7000. Ask the representative to set up a PRP appointment with Dr. Richard Blanks, MD.